Obzervr Engineering
- النشاط الكلي 152
- النشاط الأخير
- عضو منذ
- يتابِع 0 مستخدم
- متابَع من 1 مستخدم
- أصوات 3
- الاشتراكات 145
النشاط الحديث بواسطة Obzervr Engineering-
In-app Calculations
can we have the ability to load calculations into the app configuration
Chat support
Please can we add the Web chat support directly to the Capture app
What happens when you post an Idea or Suggestion to our Community
Ever wondered what we do with your feedback and ideas? Obzervr encourages our users to express your ideas & suggestions so that we can build Capture and Manager to suit you and your business. There...
I'd like a way for users to submit feature requests
You can add a topic like this one in your community. End users can add feature requests and describe their use cases. Other users can comment on the requests and vote for them. Product managers can...