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Activity overview

Latest activity by Obzervr-Engineering
  • Obzervr Engineering created an article,

    Obzervr Cloud Release v41.101 (Production)

    🚀 Note: Obzervr Cloud v41.101 was released to Production on 17/7/2024 ⭐Enhancements Console user list bulk actions Quickly activate, deactivate, verify, or add multiple users to Teams and Security...

  • Obzervr Engineering created an article,

    Obzervr Cloud Release v41.100 (Production)

    🚀 Note: Obzervr Cloud v41.100 was released to Production on 10/7/2024 💬 Note: This article refers to assignments.  Depending on your label alias configuration these might display differently in you...

  • Obzervr Engineering created an article,

    Obzervr Cloud Release v41.99 (Production)

    🚀 Note: Obzervr Cloud v41.99 was released to Production on 4/7/2024 💬 Note: This article refers to assignments.  Depending on your label alias configuration these might display differently in your ...

  • Obzervr Engineering created an article,

    Obzervr Cloud Release v41.98 (Production)

    🚀 Note: Obzervr Cloud v41.98 was released to Production on 12/6/2024 💬 Note: This article refers to assignments and assignment points.  Depending on your label alias configuration these might displ...

  • Obzervr Engineering created an article,

    Obzervr Cloud Release v41.97 (Production)

    🚀 Note: Obzervr Cloud v41.97 was released to Production on 29/5/2024 💬 Note: This article refers to assignments.  Depending on your label alias configuration these might display differently in your...

  • Obzervr Engineering created an article,

    Obzervr Cloud Release v41.96 (Production)

    🚀 Note: Obzervr Cloud v41.96 was released to Production on29/5/2024 ⭐Enhancements Worklist Percentage Complete Columns for Completed and Finalised Work 🔒 Note: This capability requires a feature f...

  • Obzervr Engineering created an article,

    Searching on Manager

    Plenty of information is handled in Manager all the time. We've incorporated a search and filtering feature into Manager to help you quickly and easily find the exact record you need. This article ...

  • Obzervr Engineering created an article,

    How to Create, Manage, and Share Views

    The 'Views' feature, a powerful tool for worklist management, allows for the creation of personalized, shareable views of your data. These lenses are tailored to individual needs and preferences, p...

  • Obzervr Engineering created an article,

    Obzervr Cloud Release v41.95 (Production)

    🚀 Note: Obzervr Cloud v41.95 was released to Production on 8/05/2024 ⭐Enhancements Hide / Show Views on Worklist, Feedback Management, and Exception Management Simplify your long view dropdown lis...

  • Obzervr Engineering created an article,

    April 2024 - Capture v1.42.40

    🚀 Note: Obzervr Capture v1.42.40 was released to Store on 30/4/24 🗒️ Note: This article refers to Assignment Point Types.  Depending on your label alias configuration these might display differe...