Obzervr Cloud v41.42 - to preview on 10/02/2022 and primary on 24/02/2022 includes the following updates:
Resolves an issue in Worklist v2 where when changing views, add/remove column, or apply/remove filters, an error would show instead of redirecting to a login page.
Resolves an issue in Worklist V2 where if a value was copied into the On Hold Reason box (where the standard set of values show), you would be able to select the tick and save the On Hold Reason. The work order would show as On Hold with no reason on the work list.
Resolves an issue in Worklist V2 where, if the free text On Hold Reason is too long, it should be truncated when shown in the work list.
Upgrade to .Net 6 to ensure Obzervr has the latest security and underlying infrastructure.
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