Will be released to Primary on 06 Dec 22
The release includes the following updates:
Bug Fixes:
Preserve filters on analytics dashboard after refresh
The ability to pause auto-refresh in Analytics Reports
The 'Refresh' button now includes the ability to pause auto refresh by unselecting the checkbox.
Auto-refresh will preserve any filters applied to the dashboard.
Labelling Worklist v2 as Standard and Worklist v1 as '(Old)'
The menu has been updated to make Worklist v2 the primary Worklist function by removing the 'v2' label and including a new '(Old)' label for Worklist v1. This highlights the movement to deprecate Worklist v1.
Organisations still have the option to include both v1 and v2, but should be preparing for v1 to be removed early in 2023.
Exceptions Chips in Worklist v2
The worklist has been updated to include the ability to quick filter by work with Exceptions outstanding or resolved. This was a feature of the old worklist and is now included for quick access in the new Worklist without having to filter the Exceptions columns manually.
Security Groups in Preview.
The Preview Security groups is now available in the primary environment on request. This is the penultimate release for Security Groups with one last update expected into Preview this week.
Full Security Groups documentation will be provided when the last release is deployed into the Primary environment and enabled for all tenancies.
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